Netgear R7900 vs R8000 Comparison
It is a sign of great honor and a powerful frame of reference for a corporation (especially one centered in the field of technology and hardware) to “become its own competitor”, to become so varied and impressive that you might be comparing one model to another both belonging to the same brand! Yet it does happen and it is a bargaining decision encountered more and more often today as more corporations like Netgear become that intense of a financial and economic threat to the older “fathers of technology” brand names we’ve known for generations.
It might be a interesting experience, if we were able to glimpse back to 1996, when a young migrant to the United States from Hong Kong named Patrick Lo graduated from Brown University in Rhode Island and ask if those familiar and friendly with Lo truly understood the meteoric ascent he was going to achieve within the field of wireless technology? Would they know that the business he’d be founding shortly afterwards would be large enough to be listed on NASDAQ by just 2003, less than a decade later? Yet that is where the Netgear story begins, and it is with respect for that where we begin. To compare two products that originated ultimately all from the same source, those being the Netgear R7900 and the Netgear R8000, we must appreciate the role of the creative fertility to be found in the mind that created it all, all by creating a name.
Technology is a field very dependent upon the “founding fathers” mentality, that we buy the names we all have known the absolute longest. Someone trying to launch a business like Microsoft or AT&T seems fruitless and futile in the effort, like David walking towards a megalithic Goliath. Yet Lo, who we now know certainly with hindsight the intuitive instincts he possessed, knew and felt that then and yet he walked onwards, stones and sling in pocket firmly.
Powerful thoughts from the man who started it all. And an important factor in our decision we have to make comparing the R7900 and the R8000 is that Netgear has remained a very focused industry leader, producing the best networking technology it possibly can and not trying to “branch out” nearly as much as other newcomers might try. And that isn’t a disreputable comment made by any means, because by opening one’s wings too early, it is all-too-likely that one will end up a victim of having operated “too much, too soon, too fast” and dive-bombing to the ground even more hastily as a result.
Better to be hyperfocused, he could be intercepted as saying, than to falter by bothering yourself with the unimportant cosmetic factors. So without further ado, let us begin exploring the differences between these two brothers, one younger and one older.
First, the classic and beloved R7900. To truly better understand either of these contenders, one must truly understand the environment around gaming routers and the needs and expectations gamers have in terms of wireless routers and the high-end security they desire as well. Because the R7900 and the R8000 similarly are both heavily specifically marketed at the gaming audience and especially at the newly-forming eSports industry. In fact, Lo was speaking at an eSports gaming convention as he gave that interview!
Naturally, him being a fan of eSports is a major influence in what we expect led to him creating the Nighthawk line of routers, the line we are exploring tonight. Everything about them, their build and hardware in addition to the marketing and advertisements are centered around online gaming and eSports stars as an industry.
Now, academic Juho Mahari once defined the eSports industry as, and reading that, you can understand why RAM and memory allocated to these games is necessary. The R7900 boasts 3,000Mbps which overall pales in comparison to the R8000 32,000Mbps. Might as well introduce Godzilla now, the R8000. That figure just dropped is his way or tearing right through a building as he approaches.
Once again, this demonstrates how these wireless routers are aimed at those that demand the very best and highest performance capabilities from their routers. If you are someone similar, someone that wants and even demands the very best out of life and your wireless routers as well, then read on and we will continue to explore how the N8000 has blown our minds in terms of its RAM and memory availability as well as plenty of other factors.
You might not be familiar with the name Enzo Conte, but if I were to ask you about WarKr0Zz (and if you’re familiar with eSports even vaguely), you’d be familiar with the “athlete” and his Overwatch accomplishments. Well, take a listen at what Enzo said regarding his upbringing surrounding eSports.
Obviously, all those years of preparation to take part in the tournaments offered currently by the eSports industry required a modem and wireless router capable of matching the speeds expected by Conte and his family. If you want to see the future improve for your family or small business, you know you need the latest in the Nighthawk line of wireless routers, the N8000.